On April 22, Earth Day 2024, the team at TTI Environmental embarked on a mission to enhance our headquarters’ garden into even a more vibrant sanctuary for local wildlife. With sustainability at the forefront of our efforts, we dedicated time to enlarging our HQ green space.
Our garden expansion project was more than just landscaping—it was a commitment to biodiversity and conservation. By incorporating native plants into our garden, we aim to create a habitat that not only beautifies our surroundings but also supports local ecosystems. Native plants are well adapted to the local climate, soil conditions and ecosystem, requiring minimal maintenance and resources once established. They also play a crucial role in conserving water and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, contributing to a healthier environment.
Along with nectar-rich flowers and berries that feed birds and small mammals, these plants also sustain pollinators like bees and butterflies, essential for the health of our environment. Our gardens contain bee hotels and monarch butterfly habitat installed a few years ago. These Bee hotels provide nesting sites for solitary bees, enhancing their populations and promoting pollination, essential for the reproduction of many flowering plants. Our Monarch Butterfly Waystation, features a variety of plants including milkweed to help support these iconic butterflies’ life cycle and migration. These features are helping to bolster their populations. As advocates for environmental stewardship, we recognize the importance of supporting these vital species and creating spaces where they can thrive.
In addition to supporting local wildlife, our garden expansion also brings benefits to our staff. With the inclusion of herbs, strawberries and blueberry bushes, there may be a bounty for our team to share, fostering a sense of community and connection to nature right in our own front yard.
At TTI, we believe that small actions can have a big impact. Join us in embracing sustainability and nurturing our planet—one garden at a time.
Read more about TTI’s sustainability efforts here: https://ttienvinc.com/company/sustainability/