The Standard Inspection Interval Table for aboveground storage tanks, pressure vessels, and process tanks has been included below are average intervals and are to be used as only a reference. The actual inspection intervals for individual assets may be different. The intervals below are based on the assumption of sufficient corrosion rates, RBI assessments not …
LSRPs – TTI’s Licensed Site Remediation Professional Team
Faced with the challenge of properly cleaning up contaminated sites in a timely manner, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (“NJDEP”) worked closely with the Legislature and stakeholders to develop legislation that dramatically altered the process for conducting environmental investigations and cleanups. In May 2009, the Governor signed the Site Remediation Reform Act (“SRRA”) …
LSRPs – TTI’s Licensed Site Remediation Professional TeamRead More
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Dedicated to our clients and always committed to providing high quality service, testimonials like this mean a lot – we appreciate appreciation!
PADEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee Update – Revised Regulations
On May 17, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection held a Storage Tank Advisory Committee (STAC) meeting. On behalf of PCIC, Scott W. Nowicki, Director of Inspection Services for TTI Environmental, serves as the primary voting member of this 15-person committee that discusses issues and provides technical advice to the PADEP. Of interest to DEP-regulated …
PADEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee Update – Revised RegulationsRead More
TTI presents Storage Tank Owner Inspection Requirements Webinar to members of the American Coatings Association
On October 5, 2017, TTI will be presenting to the American Coatings Association a Webinar Training on Routine/Periodic Storage Tank Inspections. This webinar will address Storage Tank Owner Inspection Requirements as required by the EPA Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulation, as well as industry standards including the Steel Tank Institute’s (STI SP001) and the …