If you and your colleagues missed TTI’s Lunch & Learn, we can come to you.
We value our partnerships with lending institutions and enjoy sharing information about important standards, trends and environmental issues. If you missed TTI’s 8th Annual Environmental Lunch & Learn for Lenders in September, there is still opportunity to learn about pressing issues in due diligence. These specific topic workshops are available for more intimate business sessions. The number of topics and length of the workshop(s) can be tailored to your needs.
- Vapor Issues
- New SRRA 2.0 Regulatory Updates
- PFAS and Other Emerging Contaminates
- Environmental Database Interpretations
and previous year’s topics included:
- ASTM Standards
- Act 2 Land Recycling the Pennsylvania Way
- Business Environmental Risk (BER) to Crisis How & When
- Free Online Site Screening Tools
- Hazard Risk Analysis
- ISRA Basics – Triggers, Applicability and Compliance
- Key Components of a Lender Environmental Risk Program
- Lending on a Site with Activity Use Limitations (AULs)
- LSRP Program, Case Studies
- Offsite Ground Water Contamination,
- Non-Scope Business Environmental Risks & Case Studies
- Phase II Drivers / REC vs HREC
- Recognized Areas of Environmental Concern (REC) Management
- Reliance on State Regulatory Closures
- Restricted Use Sites – Ongoing Obligations & Responsibilities
- SBA Lending
- Site Inspection Clues
If you are interested in scheduling a workshop, or for more information, please contact:
Kristin Heimburger, Director of Environmental Consulting, at kristin@ttienv.com or Craig Durand, President, at craigd@ttienv.com