New Jersey Department of Health NJDOH – Recently published a guidance document for the evaluation and management of mercury containing floors. This floor issue has been circling around the state for the last year or two. Numerous investigations and some removals have occurred in the state. The NJDOH produced an earlier 1 page guidance in early 2019 which provided limited information. This new guidance dated February 6, 2020 gives recommendations for sampling, action criteria and mitigation. This document provides guidance on the following;
- Provides amount of grab samples per area of floor to properly characterize the mercury content.
- Indicates that any detectable amount of mercury in the floor sample requires indoor air characterization.
- Provides amount of air samples to properly assess the indoor air quality and impact.
Some district which have already gone thru the performance of testing might find that the amount of floor samples was not adequate for the size of the their floor system and that the threshold for conducting indoor air samples has been reduced. This guidance update may require additional sampling to meet the new guidance from the NJDOH.
Insure that the work performed was conducted by a consultant that is certified as a NJDOH Indoor Environmental Consultant.
In addition, the NJDOH has provided:
- a FAQ & Informational pamphlet for parents which discusses the concerns and actions. Click here for the Parent FAQ PDF.
- and a Guidance document for schools for Evaluation and Management of Mercury-Containing Floors. Click here for the School Guidance Document
For more information or to schedule testing please contact Tim Popp, VP of Environmental Consulting at timp@ttienv.com