It is important to conduct routine/periodic inspections to help keep the tanks, pressure vessels, piping, fittings and venting in good working order, minimize risk and run efficiently. Thorough inspections are essential to proactively identify and fix potential problems which may lead to tank failure, environmental contamination, workplace injuries and business interruptions.
Here is a brief guide defining standards, timelines and types:
- MONTHLY in-service routine inspections undertaken by the owner’s inspector.
- ANNUAL in-service routine inspections undertaken by the owner’s inspector or certified external inspector.
- 5 YEAR inspections undertaken by a certified external inspector:
- NDE/NDT (Non-Destructive Examination/Testing) inspections provides long-term asset management and increases the reliability and quality of industrial storage tanks.
- Risk-based inspections (RBI) prioritize the inspection of a facility’s piping, pressure vessels, and other equipment.
- Time-based inspections evaluate equipment for high-level risks and are essential for preventing corrosion and maintaining compliance with state and federal regulations. All inspections prevent accidents and the major costs associated with potential accidents. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel codes all mandate minimum inspection requirements for storage tank facilities.
* Worth noting: Consider having 3rd party inspectors also conduct a brief training session discussing Routine/Periodic inspection procedures while on site performing inspections, prior to demobilization.
TTI’s Inspectors are certified to perform API-653/570/510, STI SP001and Federal SPCC inspections. Comprehensive inspections are performed nationwide, and meet or exceed established requirements and State and Federal criteria guidelines including NJ DEP, PA DEP, NY DEC, MDE, DNREC and DPCC, RCRA, TSCA, SPCC, OSHA and NFPA. The inspectors prepare and certify comprehensive reports to document inspections, identify future testing intervals and, if necessary, provide recommended corrective actions. For more information visit our Inspection page here
If you have any questions or to schedule an inspection contact: Alex Haq, Inspection Project Manager, at or Patricia Stock, Director of Inspections at