TTI has been in service to our clients throughout this pandemic situation. And while we have had many of our professionals and teams in the field and working remotely, we are preparing for a return to routine to the office.
In preparation for a return to the office, TTI implemented deep cleaning and testing as follows;
An inspection of the building was conducted, and each area was divided into sections and a list of high touch objects were counted in each area.
Key areas of the building were identified as were high touch items such as: Office Desks, Cabinets, Cube Desks/Top Rails, Light Switches, Copier Fax & Postal Machine, Door Knobs/Push Plates/Frames, Counter Top, Phones, Chairs, Stools, Vending Machines, Refrigerator, (Toaster, Microwave, Coffee, Water), Cabinet Handles, Faucet Handles, Computer & Mouse, Toilet Stalls/Handles, Soap Dispensers, Color Copier & Plotter.
The process included the use of a diluted surfactant/degreaser (Simple Green Lemon Scent) with a microfiber rag to remove the dirt from the objects and allowed to dry. A diluted bleach and water solution was then applied with a different microfiber rag to disinfect the objects and allowed to stay wet for 5 minutes.
In addition to the visual observations, TTI conducted pre and post swab sample tests using our Adenosine Tri/Di/Mono-phosphate (ATP, ADP & AMP) bioluminescence assay testing equipment to measure the effectiveness of our cleaning.
Swabs were taken of certain areas. The table shows below we were successful in significantly reducing the concentration of the viable organic compound that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells/viruses. Test results for high touch surfaces show that microbial populations decrease.
CRITERIA <1000 | ||
Location | Pre Test | Post Test |
Rick’s Mouse | 3,592 | 224 |
Joe’s Desk | 13,323 | 128 |
South Exit Door | 16,888 | 337 |
Kitchen Counter | 19,680 | 885 |
Post sample testing provides immediate results and verification of cleaning processes, it guides and assures better sanitation outcomes and supports a more effective hygiene program.
Other research has shown the implementing a monitoring system to validate cleanliness also has been shown to increase compliance to certain levels of cleaning procedures from 40% to 82%.
TTI can provide training, planning, oversight and real time cleaning efficacy testing in response to this pandemic. For more information regarding testing please contact Tim Popp at timp@ttienv.com